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Saturday, October 14, 2017

20 Things Most Women Are Guilty Of Doing. Number 17 We Get You Laughing.

20 Things Most Women Are Guilty Of Doing 

Many of Ladies are totally guilty of these things. Are you??

1. Eating the whole pint of Ben & Jerry's in one sitting

I feel bad about myself for a solid 4 seconds...then wonder when I'm going to the store again. Ben & Jerry's is proof that you don't have to be dead to be in heaven :)

2. Lying saying you "just got fitted" when you walk into Victoria's Secret

If you ever have been in VS, you've been bombarded by employees asking, "do you need to get fitted?" I assure you a solid 98.9% of every female who gets asked that question straight out lies and says they were just fitted.

3. Changing your outfit multiple times during the day
A lot of us stress over what to wear, especially when were already stressed out.

4. Wearing multiple perfumes at once...
Ladies like to get creative. We can't just smell like Vanilla. We have to smell like vanilla, mango, strawberries and some other pretty flower.

5. Wearing your bra for a few days in a row
Girls understand why other girls do this... guys don't. Who are they to judge? Girls don't have to be reminded to shower LOL.

6. Falling for the stupid buy-2-get-3-free-type-sales at Bath & Body Works
*Picture me rolling my eyes right now* Body wash is usually $12.50 at Bath & Body Works. If you buy 2 - that's $25 for BODY WASH. If you get five body washes or lotions and spend $25... you basically just spend $5 on each of the 5 different body washes and lotion you totally didn't need.

7. Buying stupid stuff you don't need at Marshalls
You walk in the store saying "I need sandals" and proudly strut out three hours later with a suitcase, cute pads of paper, beach towels, an aux cord, new clothes and heels with NO sandals. Oopsies. Oh, and you find yourself looking at cute baby clothes or wedding invites for your non-existent husband and baby...I'm almost certain every girls' mindset leaving Marshalls is..."well, I'll need this someday [like five years down the road]."

8. Buying books because the cover looks cool
Tell me the dog isn't cute! I'd totally buy the book without even knowing what it's about solely because the puppy is cute.

9. Buying motivational canvases from stores like Marshalls even though you have nowhere left to hang them...
These stupid motivational canvases make you feel all empowered until you're broke because you buy a ton of them.

10. Leaving the charger plugged in 24/7

11. Buying leggings when they're on sale even though you don't need them

It's literally an addiction for females.

12. Going to the beach solely to tan... not even to go swimming

(I'm actually not guilty of this...)

13. Justifying going shopping somewhere because you think you need something from a store but you "can't remember" what you need...!

14. Watching entire seasons of shows in one sitting

If you're a look like this when you're watching TV.

15. Drinking your boyfriend's Starbucks when he's not looking...

Oops. Sorry sweetie.

16. Leaving bobby pins EVERYWHERE

It's all fun and games until you step on a bobby pin :(

17. Having a TON of bras and only wearing a few.

18. Viewing your own social media profiles in the mental state of an outsider.
Bear with me on this one. Sometimes it’s fun to pretend we are someone else viewing our own instagram or twitter profiles. We think, “How would a stranger interpret my personality from my pictures?

19. Check if they fit in old clothes
This is one thing every woman does, when at home alone. The best way to while away time is to bring out all the old clothes from the closet and try each of them. A self-motivating activity that either makes them happy if they fit perfectly into those old clothes or motivate them to workout if they don't.

20. Try bizarre exercises and moves
They find out some weird exercises and moves from the internet and trying doing it their way. The funniest part is that they might not do it correctly and might not even try it ever again, but they still do it with utmost conviction when home alone.


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