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Saturday, September 16, 2017

15 Amazing Natural Health Benefits of Bitter Leaf you should know.

Some chew the leaf raw, some make vegetable smoothie with it by blending it,
Some boil the leaves or stick, and some use it as antiseptic while some make soup with it.
Whichever way you use it, it will prove its potency.
Vitamins in Bitter leaf includes; Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vit.B1 and Vit.B2.

Here are 15 valuable things this herb can do for you:

1. Bitter leaf juice used by local women in Guinea-Bissau to contract the uterus and after childbirth and should NOT be taken during the first trimester of pregnancy or if you’re trying to conceive, it might cause miscarriage.

2. When blended or properly squeezed, if taken raw, the liquid from bitter leaf can help detoxify the body.

3. Want to lose that weight? Just stick with bitter leaf.
4. The juice prevents malaria sickness due to the presence of Natural Quinine. Regular intake of this bitter leaf juice will prevent malaria sickness

5. It speeds up metabolism and therefore is great for weight loss.

6. It also helps to reduce high sugar level in the blood, and helps control diabetes.
7. Bitter leaf juice relieves fever and feverish conditions. Take the squeezed juice, 3 times daily until the symptoms disappears.

8. It also yield the healing power of Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STD). The drinking of the bitter leaf juice daily and also squeeze the leaves and paste it on the patches and warts that appear on the skin will vanish in course of days.

9. It is useful for treating of ringworm, eczema and other diseases, just squeeze and paste it regularly, drink the fresh bitter leaf juice, this will clear them off in no time.
10. If can also act as an energy booster. Bitter leaf also stimulates bile and hydrochloric acid production, stimulates nervous and immune system function. Interestingly, it also combats fatigue and exhaustion.

11. Bitter leaf is known to cure common cold and even pneumonia.
12. Do you know that chewing the tender stem or drinking the juice is a well-known remedy for stomach aches?

13. Insomnia is an inability to sleep well, take 2 glasses of bitter leaf juice every night. You may add a little honey if you wish.
14. It helps prevent Arthritis or rheumatism in patients. It soothes swollen joints and eradicates the pain.

15. Want a glowing skin? Try bitterleaf drink
If the taste is unbearable for you, you can take it with honey or pineapple. Blending bitter leaf with pumpkin leaf (ugu) can also help reduce its bitterness.


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