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Monday, October 30, 2017

“Don’t Use Your Private Part To Do Promo” – Actress Lizzy Anjorin

“Don’t Use Your Private Part To Do Promo” – Actress Lizzy Anjorin

Nollywood actress, Lizzy Anjorin, has been busy working on unveiling her new fashion store where she will be showcasing all her fashion outfits personally designed by her and that has made her not have time in sharing some personal thoughts with her fans.

With the little space she had, she was able to share with her fans especially ladies to learn how to hustle and make decent living rather than going about to sell their body for wealth.

“I know you guyz might be wondering why I didn’t post often lately, but when I don’t post or do write up often, believe me I’m cooking something huge. The m0ral of the lesson is that; when u don’t post, nobody will ask of u, nobody will leave bad comments and none of your friends that used to call your attention whenever some “social media platform” pick on you, will ever ask of u.. Recently i realise that the people leaving bad comments or saying trash about u are the people that is closer to u, some did not even know u they just hear your story from their friends and some are your man ex, recent customers or intending customers.

“That’s why u must stand tall and work harder, because ‘eniyan bi aparo lomo araye nfe. They don’t wanna see u doing great or see people applauding your efforts, it gives them unbearable headache. Whenever a lady is having massive fight with her fellow ladies base on baseless issues, she need to check her man, her man issa bleeping or about bleeping her friends or co-workers or having horrible conversation with your friends behind u, of which it will lead to hate of no reason.

“Shine your eyes, stop believing your fellow ladies are into voodoo or sell their body for money, stop hating your fellow ladies; The man that blessed your friends with 50million base on fvck, can fvck u without giving u 5k. Have u heard about God sent?? Pray for one, not a man that u heard he bought this and that for a lady or your friends or colleagues.

A man know the lady that her luck works together with his own and behold, he can spend all his fortune on her, so if u run enter that kind of relationship my sister, YOU carry PUS….Y do promo ni o let’s all pray for God sent..whalai o se ko ko‎”.

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